The project team is deeply grateful to Coimisiún na Meán for funding this project under the Archiving Scheme.
We are indebted to the following people who generously shared their expertise with us:
- Harald Berthelsen
- Níall Ó Beaglaoich
- Dáithí de Mórdha
- Máirtín Tom Sheáinín Mac Donncha
- Ian Lee
- Tomás L Ó Murchú
- Ciarán Ó Gealbháin
- Seán Ua Súilleabháin
- Brian Ó Curnáin
- Nóirín Ní Chonghaile
The technology used to display the transcripts on this site is based on:
- CTC forced aligner by Mahmoud Ashraf
- An Caighdeánaitheoir by Kevin Scannell
The mapping functionality on this website is based on:
- Leaflet.js
- Map data by OpenStreetMap
- Basemap by CARTO